Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Claire Bear!

I should have done this yesterday but it just didn't work out. The 14th was my beautiful little red head's 7th birthday! I cannot believe it ~ it doesn't seem like I should have a child that age. What happened to that baby with the big head that used to scream when I left her sight?

7 years ago I went into labor at a barbecue and though I tried to stick it out, after the second contraction hit my ass went to the hospital. I needed my drugs. At 4:20 am (no snickering) after an emergency c-section Claire Britley entered this world screaming. And she is still screaming!

I brought her some pretty pink and white roses and a Disney Princess balloon when I picked her up from daycare. She was grinning from ear to ear all the way home and told me many times "thanks for my stuff mom".

I also got her a little cupcake girl for dessert and she danced her butt off to Black Eyed Peas. Her little eyes finally closed at around 9 and her Daddy put her to bed.

A perfect day for a perfect little girl.

Happy Birthday Claire, I Love You Very Much!


Special K ~Toni said...

What a beauty! Happy Birthday from one redhead to another!

Phoenix said...

Happy Birthday to Claire.

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

Happy Birthday, Claire!

Hol said...

Happy Birthday Claire!
Wish we could go to your party this weekend. Have some cake for J and I. :)

Anonymous said...

OH! Precious, precious angel!!

Happy Birthday, Claire angel!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Claire!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful party you gave her!! She is the most adorable thing ever!!!

Ann(ie) said...

Happy Belated bday cutie pie!!