Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer Time

Claire's birthday is coming up.  Technically Bryan's is first since his is in July but we all know us parents don't really do much for ourselves.  I can't believe Bryan is going to be 37 and my Claire Bear will be 14 in August!  What I wouldn't give to be able to go back in time and be the parent/person I am now and relive it all.  Baby days, toddlers, elementary years......  Don't get me wrong, I love that they are both at stages where they can dress themselves, feed themselves, Mr and Miss Independent.  I guess we all get mushy about our babies as they grow.  I have a memory of Claire when she was a baby and me thinking how boring she was.  Funny to me now.

Last year was the first time Claire asked not to have a real party with friends and family.  She wanted to be dropped off at the skating rink with friends.  So that is what we did.  I paid for all of her friends, provided money for them to eat and drink on, and then the girls that wanted to spend the night could.  This year she is asking to be dropped off at the mall with Lady for the day with money to shop with.  I remember spending weekends from open to close at the mall with friends.  I guess some things never change.

I figure I will give her some money to "shop till she drops" and then she asked for colored contacts as a gift.  She doesn't have eye sight problems but I heard it is still best to get them from the eye doctor so they can make sure they fit well and don't cause eye issues.

So the other night I was watching Kate Plus 8.  I used to love that show and she was doing a 2 series special for the sextuplets because they were turning 10.  It was fun to see how big the kids have gotten.  Taylor was watching with me when he asked if I would ever want that many kids.  My answer was no and he said he didn't want that many either, just two - a boy and a girl.  I was dying from the cuteness that he was already thinking about that.

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