Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Next Carrie Underwood?

Claire has try outs coming up for All-Region Honor Choir. Basically all of the 7th and 8th grade girls that are in choir will perform individually before a five judge panel. She has practice this Saturday over at Watkins Junior High, they will have a mock audtion at school, and then the real audtion is April 4th at Kahla Middle School. If she gets chosen, she will be in the concert and clinic April 25th and 26th at another middle school one day and then a high school the following day.

She is super nervous about singing solo in front of strangers. I hope she does well because Claire is an amazing singer. She sings all of the time. In her room, in the shower, in the car, at the dinner table, you name it the girl is singing. I am not just being a mom here either, she is really good so I will have my fingers crossed for her. And of course, as soon as I know something I will let you guys know as well. Go Claire Bear!! =)

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