Friday, March 20, 2009

My Crazy Sister

My sister is always dieting so I had to share this little conversation because she friggin cracks me up!

Lyndsey : i took this shit to clean out my collan and needless to say the shit backed me

Lyndsey : up

Lyndsey : i had the worst night of my life last night.

Nicole : Yikes

Lyndsey : instead of pooping i was in pain all night long

Nicole : is there a reason why u were doing a colon cleanser?

Lyndsey : i had to take two ex-lax to help this process along, and now i'm suffering the conisquences

Nicole : Dude - that sux

Lyndsey : nah...someone said you hold 10 pounds of poo in your collan, so i decided to lose 10 pounds

Lyndsey : shit didn't work

Nicole : lol

Nicole : I thought u were past all of that silly girl. One of my fav memories is still u needing to go at the dang Kmart

Nicole : ur not fat anyways

Lyndsey : lol!!! i am passed that, but still....i thought it was would be quick and painless

Lyndsey : i was a pro at the whole ex-lax thing, but this shit is horrible and doesn't work

Lyndsey : never again will i take herbal laxitives

Nicole : lol

Nicole : good grief

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