Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Update

Whew, I made it through Christmas! I know I haven't been posting much lately, but we just had so much going on with trying to get everything ready for hosting our first (and last if I have anything to say about it) ever Christmas at our home. We had about 11 family members coming (one being the Wicked Witch of the West-uhh I mean my Mother) so everyone was a little nervous there at the beginning.

In our family Santa comes Christmas Eve night, so we take the kids outside so they can throw the reindeer feed (oatmeal & glitter) in the front yard, pile into a car, and then ooh and aah at the Christmas lights throughout the neighborhood. Bryan and my grandfather usually stay at home to welcome Santa and make sure he knows where everything should be placed. Santa usually leaves a half eaten cookie or two and then a nice little note for Claire and Taylor thanking them for the treats and reminding them to be good.

I had ordered a couple of trays of sandwiches for Christmas Eve because for our family that night is all about Santa coming, drinks, fireworks, and all around partying. Christmas Day was a bit hectic for me, I am really good for one day of entertaining and found myself desperately wanting a nap by 1 pm. Our menu consisted of queso, guacamole, jalapeno poppers, ham, and a bunch of sides. Plus, my Stouffer's lasagna which can never go wrong.

The kids loved their Wii and really a good time was had by all. I can see why people are not jumping up and down with their hand up yelling pick me, pick me to have Christmas at their home. I am exhausted and my house looks it too.


On to a much sadder topic, Friday night I had to have my beloved cat Tinkerbell put to sleep. At around 7pm she was hit by a car in the head, and some how made it home, got in the house, and hid under my bed. I didn't even know anything had happened to her until I crawled into bed and could hear her making some sort of gurgling noise. After examining her, I saw the blood dripping from her mouth and ran to get Bryan. He suggested I take her to the emergency room, so off me and Tinkerbell went while Bryan stayed home with the kids. 4 1/2 hours later and much tears and snot, I went home ~ with out my Tinkerbell. Her jaw had been broken so severely she could not even close her mouth. They gave her pain medication as soon as I got there to try and make her more comfortable. I had to make one of the hardest decisions in my life that night. Alone. There was no consoling me, every time I tried to speak the emotions took over and I became a sobbing, heaving mess again. I wanted to save my kitty but I knew we did not have 2000.00 for her jaw to be fixed only to then have to return many times for follow ups, x-rays, feeding tubes, and a life for Tinkerbell that would never be the same. I have been told many times the decision I made was the right one, but it sure didn't feel like it.

I chose to have Tinkerbell put to sleep, and for them to send her home with me after being cremated. Leaving the e.r. with an empty cage when I had came in with a meowing her ass off cat just broke me. I sat in my car for a good 30 minutes crying more. They gave me a sweet imprint on clay of her paw prints that I will always cherish. So this is for you Tinkerbell, may kitty heaven be full of mice for you to chase, tuna fish cans that do not need to be opened, and plenty of nice warm beds for you to curl up in. R.I.P.


Anonymous said...

Im glad you had a nice Christmas....

....but Im so sorry about Tinkerbell! Im crying for you just reading this!

AJsMom said...

I'm totally in tears for you over Tinkerbell...

Coffee Slut said...

omg I am so sorry about poor Tinkerbell! I am a major cat lover and just reading what you went through brought me to tears. Big hugs to you!

mommiebear2 said...

Thank you guys, it really broke my heart that night.

Trixie Twatwaffle said...

Am crying for you about your friend, your companion, your Tinkerbell. Hugs to you.

Ann(ie) said...

OH sweetie...I'm so sorry to hear about Tinkerbell. Makes me so sad for you. **HUGS** I had to have my little kitty Barney put down many years ago and it was so rough. I'll bet they're up there frolicking around with each other in kitty heaven. xo.

And I love the reindeer feed tradition!

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Oh sweetie. I'm crying here in my office for you.

I have absolutley been there and you made the right decision. It was a difficult one but the right one.

I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said... sorry about your is the saddest thing to do that.

we took care of a stray for a while and he disappeared one night only to return in awful shape...we rushed him to the vet and they told us just how sick he was and how nice that he had picked US to come home to was sad to say goodbye.

THEN my own cat had a horrid tumour....eesh..she had been my best friend.

thanks for visiting my site and all your kind words....we are getting by day by day...

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Tinkerbell. Hugs to you and your family.

Hol said...

I was so sad to hear about Tinkerbell when you called. Just reading this made me cry, again.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

Much love, and lots of hugs.