Monday, June 18, 2007

Five Moms

Every parent has rules and guidelines that they try to follow when they have children. I can remember when Claire was born I had already put my foot down with candy, sodas, and pretty much anything I could think of that would harm her health/teeth. As the kids have gotten older, mom has gotten a little slack on some of these things. I do allow them sodas once in awhile (preferable no caffeine) and they both go crazy over holidays where candy is a given (Christmas, Easter).

As the kids have gotten older, more and more things pop up that may be a "danger" to them. Both of my kids are very different when it comes to their "brave bone". Claire is a scaredy cat, always has been and maybe always will be. At 13 months old we used to have to pick her up and carry her over the welcome mat because she refused to step on the damn thing. But then you have Taylor who dives in head first into the pool (scaring the shit out of mom), although he does not know how to swim.

Claire and Taylor are only 6 &5 right now and I frequently lie in my bed as I fall asleep and wonder about the future. I see how snotty Claire can be right now and wonder if she will be one of those bratty little girls that no one can stand when she is 15 or 16. I think about Taylor and how he is still a little behind in his development and wonder if he will be that boy that gets picked on because he is "different". The world is just full of unknowns, and really all I can do right now is wait - and be that mom that knows what is going on in their children's lives. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to be a "helicopter" mom (that term still cracks me up), but I do want my kids to feel like they can come to me with anything. One of my favorite childhood memories is my aunt telling me "Just tell me the truth, no matter if you are wrong or right I will back you up, just tell me the truth".

I have heard on the news and of course through emails about all of the "new" drugs, games, etc that are out there to entice your children. Scary isn't it? One thing that I had not heard of until recently was kids using cough medicine to get high. Who in the hell thinks of this crap?? I remember as a child having to be held down to even take my cough medicine, and now kids are using it for pleasure!?!?! - These 5 moms have made it their goal to educate parents about the misuse of this product. Honestly, I say two thumbs up for them because I had no idea this was even a problem. So go on over and check it out! At least now we all know who to point a finger at when the damn Robitussin goes missing.....


Coffee Slut said...

Wow ....cough medicine ...who woulda thunk? My son is 18 and I STILL worry about EVERYTHING! He's a great kid, and I just hope and pray that he isn't or doesn't get into any of that stuff. I guess I'll worry till I die ...that's motherhood.

Mom O Matic said...

I can't even entertain the thoughts. I'm too consumed with imagining what could happen to them NOW!

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

Geez. Thanks for the information!